Every time I embark to a new destination, I always hope that I return feeling not only like it was money well-spent but also inspired and invigorated (minus the sore legs from walking through big cities). This time, I hopped across the Pacific Ocean to Tokyo, and, in the meantime, as I put together a comprehensive photo series of a first-timer’s what-to-eat, what-to-see and where-to-stay over this weekend, here’s a little peek at how I stayed warm during those winter Japan days without looking like a hot bundled mess.
From the few days that I spent in Tokyo, one thing became clear: Tokyo winter fashion aesthetics are certainly not slacking here, as clearly seen from the girls’ daily style sense and commitment to wearing heels literally all day, every day (think not only heeled booties and kitten heels but also stiletto pumps). Coming from New York City, where flat soles are dominant over heels, I stuck with my sensible flat boots that, when paired with a floral print romper, helped elongate my frame. For extra warmth around the legs, I added wool knee-high socks, which also prevented that common problem of over-the-knee boot slouching. The real warmth, however, came from my statement coat with the huge faux fur hood that kept my head warm when the temperatures started dropping in the afternoon. With an outfit like this on hand, I was able to thoroughly enjoy my day without having sartorial issues weighing me down, such as the discomfort of looking frumpy and feeling too cold!
Check back next week for more photos and words from Tokyo! As always, thanks so much for reading.