Bond Girl: Femme Fatale

Today, it's all about trying something different. As you can see, today's images are significantly different from the usual deluge of street-style shots. In anticipation of the upcoming James Bond movie, Spectre, today's images channel the aura of a femme fatale Bond girl with the help of sleek ...

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Under the Bridge

Over the weekend, I met up with Calvin, an old friend (seriously, we go back 6+ years) who happens to be a fantastic photographer. We had talked about a collaboration for some time now but never got around to actually doing it, thanks to our busy schedules and different cities of residence. But ...

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Shoe Shoot

If you've been following my Instagram, you might remember that I've welcomed a couple of new friends into my shoe closet. I haven't had the chance to wear them out yet, so I decided to play around and do a mini-photoshoot to share them with you! Yes, it's a shoe shoot. What a riot. For the longest ...

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